Databases and Lists of Sustainable Development Organizations

The Amazing Environmental Organization WebDirectory is the largest exclusively environmental organization directory on the Web and includes thousands of sites from over 100 countries arranged in 30 categories.

The Directory of Environmental Resources on the Internet provides listings and links to useful on-line resources pertaining to environmental issues. The Directory provides information on public agencies, private companies, other organizations, environmental software, legislation, and activities.

The Directory of Sustainable Development Information Providers contains a list of links kept updated by the Earth Council’s Information Systems Programme. Environmental Organizations Web Directory is Earth’s biggest and easiest environmental search engine. Includes links on an Environment Bulletin Board, Survey Results, and an Alternatives journal.

The Galaxy Environment site lists dozens of Academic Organizations, Announcements, Articles, Data Collections, Directories, Discussion Groups, Guides and Government and Nonprofit Organizations. Galaxy is the oldest browsable/searchable web directory, and includes a Gopher and Telnet directory in addition to web information.

GEO’s Resource Directory for Southern California provides an interactive list of organizations, businesses and professionals caring and working in the field of sustainable design, building and development. It provides links to hundreds of web sites and includes buildings, education, planning, calendars, research, guides to parks and much more.

The Institute for Global Communications (IGC) Internet Resources Collection lists nearly 100 international sustainable development organizations. For a complete list of over 300 IGC members: click here.

The National Technology Transfer Center (NTTC) Environmental Links provides a large list of government, corporate, military university and nonprofit sites.

Using the CREST search on sustainability yields an excellent list of a hundred organizations.

Sustainable Communities Information lists over 60 sites of nonprofit and governmental organizations concerned with sustainability. They are particularly strong in Canadian organizations.

The Sustainable Development Resources Database contains information on local, national and international organizations and government agencies currently active in the development of sustainable technologies and methods.

Action Without Borders provides links to many organizations, plus some directories. Nonprofit or community organizations may fill out an application in order to be listed. The complete network list includes links to over 9,000 nonprofit websites.

The World Wide Web Virtual Library – Environment includes Lists of Environmental Services, an Environmental Organization WebDirectory, and Best Environmental Directories. Information in the virtual library is divided by subject (atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, etc.) or by letter of the alphabet. [The overview World Wide Web Virtual Library lists hundreds of subjects on general topics.]

In addition, there are many general search engines, such as AltavistaLycos, etc.