Energy conferences

Saving Money • Saving Energy:

How Cities and Counties Are Reducing Energy Costs

How to cut energy costs in 2002 and beyond!

Learn the latest on incentive and rebate programs to finance conservation!

Thursday, January 17, 2002, 9 am — 4 pm

Gas Company Energy Resource Center, 9240 E. Firestone Blvd., Downey, CA 90241

Directions: From 605 Freeway, take Firestone Blvd. Exit (south of the 5, north of the 105), turn right and go 1 mile W. on Firestone, left into parking lot behind building (562) 803-7500.

An important conference for elected officials, city managers, engineers, public works directors, planners, development directors, energy managers, environmental coordinators and related staff of cities, counties, school districts and other public agencies. (See registration form below.)

Presented by SCCED 
Southern California Council on Environment and Development
(310) 390-4366

Co-sponsored by 
City of Santa Monica, Southern California Gas Company
South Coast Air Quality Management District, Southern California Edison

9:00 am Registration, Continental Breakfast and viewing exhibits

9:30 Welcome to the Energy Resource Center

Mark Gaines, Director, Commercial and Industrial Marketing, So. California Gas Company: Overview of the building’s environmentally advanced technologies.

9:40 Energy Planning in the Municipal Setting 
Initiating a local energy office and setting up related programs:
• State and utility programs to support energy conservation.
• Long and short term cost-effective strategies.
• Contracting for electricity from renewable sources.

Woody Clark, Senior Policy Advisor, Energy Reliability, 
Governor’s Office of Planning and Research
Craig Perkins, Director, Dept. of Environment and Public Works, City of Santa Monica
Frank A. Spasaro, Manager, Energy Efficiency Policy, So. California Gas Company

10:30 Break and exhibits

10:45 Energy Cost-Saving Approaches for Local Governments
Strategies for making facilities energy-efficient:
• EnergyStar tools for benchmarking and measuring building rgy performance.
• Implementing a 5 stage approach to building upgrades.
• Using cost effective products and services to slash operating expenses.

Julio Rovi, Certified Energy Manager/Consultant to EPA Energy Star Program
Mahmood Karimzadeh, Senior Architect, Bureau of Engineering, City of Los Angeles
Gregg Ander, FAIA, Chief Architect, Southern California Edison

11:45 Break and exhibits

12:00 Lunch and Keynote Speaker: The Future of Energy Costs in California
David Freeman, Chairman, California Power Authority

1:00 Break and exhibits

1:15 Financing Energy Efficiency, Renewable Power and Distributed Generation 
Details of government and utility financial programs and opportunities:
• Rebates, grants, loans and incentive projects.
• Technical, design assistance and other resources. 
• Private sector financial and project partnership opportunities.

California Energy Commission speaker on current State financial programs.
Julio Rovi, Certified Energy Manager/Consultant to EPA Energy Star Program
Dave Bruder, Manager of Nonresidential Programs, So. California Edison

2:15 Reducing Your Community Vulnerability to Power Disruption
How distributed generation and renewable energy can improve public safety:
• Renewable generation technologies, including photovoltaics and wind turbines.
• Fuel cells powered by renewable fuels (digester gas, landfill gas).
• Micro-turbines and non-diesel engines utilizing waste heat recovery.Edwin T. Harte, Self-Generation Incentive Program, So. California Gas Company 
Additional solar and renewable energy experts

3:00 Tour of the Energy Resource Center 
Bob Eggert, former Gas Company Public Affairs Manager, will lead a tour of the building, which uses technologies that exceed the California Title 24 Code by 40%.

4:00 Close of exhibits

Click here for Speaker Bios.

Registration Form for SAVING MONEY – SAVING ENERGY – January 17, 2002

Name__________________________ Title _________________________


Phone______________ Fax_______________ Email___________________


Early registration by Jan. 14 is $20, or $25 at the door (includes continental breakfast and lunch)

Check for $20 enclosed__. Will pay $25 at door__.

Please make check payable to “SCCED” and mail to:

Southern California Council on Environment and Development (SCCED)

1247 Lincoln Blvd. #253, Santa Monica, CA 90401

A 501(c)3 organization. Tax ID 95-4116679

For more information call Jim Stewart (310) 390-4366 or Kathleen Gildred (310) 455-1603

Or go to

EXHIBITORS (partial list)

So. California Gas Company, A Sempra Energy company: (562) 803-7500

South Coast Air Quality Management District: (800) CUT-SMOG

Southern California Edison: energy efficiency programs (800) 736-4777

A-1 All American Roofing: cool roofs (562) 529-8100

Catalina Ballast and Bulb: energy efficient lighting (626) 448-4774

Sun Utility Network: solar electric, micro generation (800) 822-7652

Sage Sales: compact fluorescent lighting (562) 861-5243

The Trane Co.: air conditioning equipment (626) 453-1194

US EPA Energy Star: efficient buildings and products (888) 782-7937

XLNT TINT: residential and commercial window tinting (800) 495-6884 [email protected]