Legislative Information for California and the U.S.

California Legislative Information is the official site for California legislative information and is maintained by the Legislative Counsel of California, pursuant to California law. The Web site includes Today’s Events, Bill Information, California Law, Legislative Publications and Your Legislature.

The California Senate Web site includes, Senator home pages, Legislation, Ballot measures and Election News, How to Participate in the Lawmaking Process, and more.

See the California State Assembly for legislative updates regarding the Assembly.

Capitol Reports, Environmental “News Link,” provides many links to obtain information on federal and state environmental legislation, regulations, court decisions, and regulatory agency activities. It also provides frequently updated news articles on current environmental issues.

The Federal Register Environmental Subset contains the full-text of selected Federal Register documents that deal with the environment or environment-related issues. These documents are downloaded from the Government Printing Office and posted to the U.S. EPA’s gopher and web servers on a daily basis.

On the THOMAS World Wide Web system, the Library of Congress makes Federal legislative information freely available to the Internet public. Includes: Current Floor Activities of Congress; Major Legislation; Bill Text, Summary and Status; Congressional Record Text and Index; Committee Reports; Databases; the Legislative Process; Historical Documents; and more.

Check the U.S. House of Representatives for current proceedings, or look at key committees such as Transportation and InfrastructureResourcesAgriculture, and Appropriations.

Get an overview of the U.S. Senate activities or go directly to the Environment and Public Works Committee.

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